Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cold! It was in the 20's here today, with sleet and freezing rain. And, of course, I was out on the road. I was going to go yesterday, but then the Target Incident occurred. I spent the rest of the day licking my wounds (well, actually, licking chocolate LOL!). Rachael's Mom's Day Out (MDO) at church is on Wed from 9-2, and I had a Mom to Mom's meeting at the church today that I was signed up to bring juice to. I also needed to drop off the Angel Tree gifts we had bought before the deadline tomorrow. So I bundled the girls up and went to Whole Foods at 7:30 this morning. Got all our grocery shopping done. Bought Rachael an organic fruit leather (version of a fruit roll-up) and that kept her happy. Abby slept most the time. By the time we made it to the church at 9am it was sleeting. I went to my meeting, nursed and fed Abby some baby food, then dropped her off in the churh nursery. I tell you what, sometimes she is "too good" of a baby. They put her in a baby swing in a corner and she just sits there and babbles and entertains herself the whole time while they are taking care of the higher maintenance babies. Of course, by the time we get home she's thinking "enough of that stuff - I want Attention!"

After the meeting I took Abby to a Christian bookstore a couple blocks from the church. People must have been thinking "why is that woman out in the sleet with a little baby!" I picked up a couple neat books for myself, some Thomas the Train and Veggie Tales puzzles for the boys, and a Veggie Tales Christmas cd for Rachael. Then I caved and went back to the church to pick up Rachael an hour early. We were home for about an hour before Deren joined us. They had sent everyone home at his work because of the worsening weather. The boys got home on the bus around 4. Jacob had had a major tantrum when they were trying to get him on the bus to go home. I bet the teachers and aides LOVED struggling with him in the sleet! When he asked for a movie we told him "No - you need to behave on the bus if you want movies" and kept him away from the tv for the next 1/2 hour. Then Joshua got to choose the movie. That rocked poor Jacob's little world.

It is looking like Deren and the kids will all be home tomorrow. We are getting sleet off and on tonight.

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