Monday, August 06, 2007

..and I gotta add that I started to chuckle when I scrolled down and saw the smiling Daniel picture. Have you seen the kid movie The Incredibles? If so, and you can find a graphic of Jack Jack where he's sprouted horns and turned into a demon, forward it to me, will you? I'll cut and pasted that for Daniel's picture of the month lol!
It's been awhile since I last blogged, I see. Daniel has done a reversal of the typical fussy baby progression, in that he went from being fairly mellow during his first months to a screaming mimi as time has progressed. With the other kids having colic, they started to mellow out around 4 mos. I hoped to take some evening exercise and sewing classes once the kids started back to school, but we may as well have a newborn with a roaring case of colic in the house, because the late afternoon/evening hours are tough around here. So I've been in survival mode, and not getting much of anything done, including blogging.

BUT I wanted to write down a version of red beans and rice I've been making before I forgot it yet again. It's easy to make - a requirement here as of late.

Easy Red Beans & Rice

1 lb smoked turkey sausage
1 C onion
1/2 - 1 C celery
1/2 - 1 C green pepper
1/2 tsp emeril's original essence spice (I make it myself - the recipe is at; you can also buy it at the store)
3/4 tsp salt
1 C chicken broth
2 C cooked rice
1 can kidney beans, rinsed

Saute onion, celery & green pepper. Add sausage and heat through. Add chicken broth & seasonings and cook a bit more on lower heat. Stir in cooked rice & beans and heat through.