Saturday, October 13, 2007

What a miserable creature I am. I've reverted to extortion for blog posts ;-)

Deren's parents, David & Priscilla, are travelling to Peru on the 25th. To ensure that I get some goodies from Peru, I'm demanding goodies in exchange for blog posts. Is that sick or what? But I may get some nice peruvian wool out of the exchange, so maybe the ends is worth the means? (err.. probably not). Anyway, D&P, how about a "My In-laws saw machu picchu and all I got was this t-shirt" t-shirt! Would serve me right.

But, as promised, via telephone negotiations (err.. extortion) this morning here is a Halloween pic and a cute pic of Jacob. I bought Rachael a witch costume for Halloween. The girls love to dress up, so I figured it will get much use. Deren then came up with the idea that Abby (aka the sidekick) should be a black cat. I bought Abby a black shirt, and she already has black pants, but in the pic she's half-dressed. Deren was getting all nervous. It's a Dora the Explorer pull-up, for pete's sake, not porn!

And then Jacob wanted in on the picture. He thought it was neat to see the image on the digital camera afterwards. So here's Rachael, either crossing her eyes or acting like she's taking a picture of me, Abby, half-dressed, and Jacob, with remote it tow. I'm not going to show all the pics, just the best one (and this is the best of about 30 or so. May as well be trying to take a group pic of cranky cats). Jacob wanted his remote displayed for each pic. It was pretty funny!

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