Monday, October 15, 2007

I ordered some play silks on Friday, and they got here today. Daniel and Abby enjoyed them. Rachael was too busy preoccupied being Miss Cranky Pants to bother with them yet. She fights going to bed at night, and doesn't get enough sleep. Add to that, she's going to all day PPCD (public preschool for children w/disabilities), and she's often in a foul mood when she gets home. A couple weeks ago I drew the line in the sand, and told her she either says "hi" to her sister Abby when she gets off the bus (she was snarling at Abby every day. And poor Abby, she would be in the doorway jumping up and down because she was so excited to see her sissy home). So today Abby was asleep when Rachael got home, and Rachael took out her bad mood on the new playsilks.

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