Monday, October 23, 2006

Well, I'm 3 days away from my due date and I'm thinking this is really not the week to have a baby! Deren has a nasty cold, and 2 of the kids have a stomach bug. Seeing our propensity to pass around germs (Yes, I've use bleach; Yes, I've used clorox wipes; Yes, I've used rubbing alcohol; Yes, I've used peroxide; YES, I've done everything short of torching the house to the ground.) So I'm really questioning whether I want to bring a baby home into this germ cesspool right now.

The problem is.. 1) Deren starts his new job next week 2) We won't have insurance to cover the birth next week 3) my blood pressure is going up and down. ..don't know why for the last one. We're getting an average 2-3 hours sleep/night. I got to sleep after 4am last night. Rachael absolutely refuses to throw up in a bucket, and decided anything is preferable to that (e.g., couch, blanket, pillows, herself, daddy.. the list goes on, and it's all in the laundry right now - except for Deren, that is.

My dr's appt was last Thursday. As mentioned above, the b.p. is bouncing back and forth (from high to normal). Other than that nothing is happening. Right now, I don't know whether to be relieved by this or not!

Here is a picture of Abby with her favorite toy - toilet wipes! She's set up office in our bathroom. If you can't find her, that's a good first place to look.

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