Wednesday, October 04, 2006

If I hear the phrase "unseasonably warm weather" too much more in the next couple weeks I'm going to have a tantrum that will impress the kiddos. I went for a walk with Abby at 9am today - it was too hot. I'm going to have to return to getting out before sun-up or bust. The kids want to be outside. We had some beautiful days in September, and that is still fresh in their minds. But we're outside for a couple minutes now, and all our cheeks are flushed, I'm a cranky mess, and so on. So it's back to being couped up again, and we're all showing the strain. Everyone is high-maintenance and irritable. The boys have reverted to some of the old behaviors. Jacob is having potty accidents daily. Joshua decided sleeping is no longer necessary. He was up from 3-5:30 this morning. I really need to put the autism doc on my to-do list. He needs to be on some kind of drug - at this point Deren and I aren't really concerned with what - just make the child sleep!

That's all my whining for the evening. I'd better get a couple hours of sleep before Joshua starts squealing again. Good night.

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