Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So what's new? Let's see.. I'm tired, tired, tired. Wait a minute, that's the same as usual!

Abby has taken to climbing on the furniture - Ain't No Mountain High Enough..

The boys are finishing up there last week of summer school. They will be home 2 (long) weeks, then start school for the fall. The kids are still stir crazy. It's not quite as hot - temps are in the upper 90's w/heat indexes in the 100's, but it's better than last week. Joshua is going to be sooo happy in the fall w/cooler temps and the leaves falling on the ground. Matter of fact, I will be very happy, too!

I took Jacob and Rachael to see the movie Cars again on Saturday. Let's see.. Jacob peed in his pants from drinking too much sprite (my fault), Rachael stayed still about a total of 10 mins. After the wet pants and too many dashes by Rachael up and down the stairs we left early. From what I saw (most of it), it was a pretty good movie.

Abby threw up (again) Saturday night. I went to church on Sunday while Deren stayed with the kids.

My cousin Stephen passed away last Thursday night. I didn't make it to Illinois for the funeral. Deren couldn't get off work, and with Abby sick on Saturday it's a good thing I stayed home. Please keep his mother, Betty, and his children, Savannah, Dawson, and Sierra in your prayers.

We're still waiting for the money from Denton County for Jacob's therapy this summer. The funny thing is we have to pay the therapist regardless of whether we're getting the money or not. We can't just say "maybe the end of next month." grhhh...

I went to my dr's appt last Thursday. When Dr. Bass asked how I was doing I think I cried for about 5 mins. Between the sad news of my cousin and another family's 6 yo dying from brain cancer, the bureaucracy of the local county, and being trapped indoors I'm drained.

..anyway.. that's my whine for the day. There are so many things to be thankful for, but when stress comes my way ya know it's all about me!

One funny/not so funny thing from Sunday. Deren was watching the kids while I was knitting. He was getting pretty cranky. I asked him what the deal was. When he answered he sounded like me at the end of a weekday (only he'd been at it for 3 hrs). "All they do is make messes! I can't even take a minute to eat my lunch!" - uh huh, yeah, sounds familiar..

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