Monday, July 31, 2006

It's a lot of the same old/same old around here. It's almost August in Texas, so it feels like you're in a hot hair dryer whenever you step outside. The boys are off school for 2 weeks until they start up on the 14th. Rachael starts the following week. I think she will be sooo excited to ride the bus & and see her teacher and her classmates again. I bought school supplies for the kids on Saturday. I think the boys' classes have a theme going - 10 boxes of kleenex, purell, 200 paper plates, baby wipes (are you starting to get it?). It's germ warfare!

Another bit of the same old story. The church hosted an afternoon of childcare for children w/special needs & their siblings this past Saturday. Deren and I were looking forward to it for 2 months. Sure enough, the boys had a head-to-toe rash Saturday morning, and Abby woke up with another stomach bug (which she still has) that morning. Deren still wanted to take them.. so I had to be the 'bad guy' and say "no way!" So we both spent Saturday feeling sorry for ourselves and the sickies. And I ended up school supply shopping instead of spending the afternoon at the movies with my hubby. I did buy Rachael a princess barbie doll. Abby tore the head off of Rachael's lone barbie doll, and Rachael kept asking me & Deren to fix it. Rachael was happy to see the barbie w/a tiara, and it has a matching kid's tiara (see the pictures). Jacob ran around after everyone w/the tiara on Saturday, trying to put it on our heads. Abby, in particular, seems to think the look suits her daddy.

And speaking of Abby Kate, she's now conquered the coffee table and climbing over the back of the couch (better be someone there to catch her!). After lunch today she got sleepy, climbed up on the loveseat, and fell asleep (see picture). After her nap she attacked the trash can for chocolate cake crumbs leftover from her siblings. Then she raided the flushable wipe container in the kids' bathroom - she's developed a fixation on those for some reason..

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