Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 4th has come and gone! Another month closer to the fall. I'm 24 1/2 wks along. My next OB appt is next week. The baby has been pretty active. So have the other kiddos. The boys are off summer school for another week, and they are bored, bored.

We celebrated the 4th in our usual way - with sick kids. Joshua came home from school with a rash on the 29th. Sure enough, it was the strep again. He got an antibiotic shot at the doctor and the rash was cleared the next day. By Monday Jacob had a head to toe rash. Deren stayed and worked from home on the 3rd so I could take him to the dr. The p.a. had no idea what it was. We're thinking his food allergies may be acting up. He's not running a fever, it's not turning into blisters or anything. Any ideas (ugh!). We're seeing the immunology doc this month, but it's not until the 27th. I need to call in and see if I can get him squeezed in I guess. My "to do" list for Monday is growing and growing. Early (and I mean 'early' as in 1:30) Friday morning Abby started throwing up. She took out everything in her crib - the bumper pad, the crib skirt, the floor around it. It took a good 1 1/2 hours to clean that mess up. Deren worked from home again to help with Abby and watch her & Joshua while I took the other two to the eye doctor.

Due to the holiday, boys being home, various body rashes and whatnot we didn't go to the library last week. Rachael asked *at least* a couple times a day to do to the library for stories and songs. My neighbor's 21 yr old daughter is helping with the kids 2x/week this summer. Mallory is going to watch the boys (she says she's up to it!) Tuesday morning while I take the girls to the library - rashes and stomach ailments permitting. Mallory has been doing a great job with the kids. And they've put her through the motions, let me tell you. She's been walloped by all of them and doesn't blink except to send them to time out.

And speaking of walloping.. Let me tell you about our Miss Mae at the eye doctor. I took Jacob and Rachael to the specialist on Friday. Jacob made quite a scene when it was time to leave the video playing in the waiting room for the exam room. Threw himself on the floor several times, screamed.. was better viewing than the video playing at the time. Rachael, however, apparently did not want to be outdone. She didn't want to sit in the exam chair. When I put her in it against her will she flew out of it, right at the nurse, walloping the unsuspecting lady. Then she ran away, throwing anything she could get her hands on. She was totally out of control, and the nurse was probably thinking 'I can't believe you're having another!' I put Rachael in a chair, took away the book she had, told her to be quiet every time she tried to chatter, and had her sit there until the doctor came. As soon as Dr. Wang came in the room Rachael yelled "I'm SO sorry! That little chickie has a temper to rival her momma and it's driving me crazy!! In the end, Rachael did just fine for the exam, and the dr is pleased with her eyes w/glasses. Jacob, however, is crossing more and more, and the dr wants to do surgery asap. It will be on both eyes, like Rachael. Ohhhhh, I'm not looking forward to it. There's basically no way to explain to him what's going to happen. He will wake up from surgery with both eyes bleeding and in pain. Rachael was completely hysterical when she woke up. Jacob has 20 lbs and a lot more disability than her, so it's pretty much going to be awful for the guy. My poor baby boy (yes, he's still my baby). Please pray for Jacob.

Abby is all over the place, and doing new things every day, it seems. She is signing more. She signs for "french fries" (blushing with embarrassment), "fruit" (that's better, isn't it?). She will put her clothes - well, anyone's clothes, in the hamper when you tell her. She is such a ray of sunshine - especially in the morning, when everyone else is kinda groggy. Her talking is coming along slowly, but she's doing things that we never even saw Rachael do - it's very exciting. We have a lot of bunnies in the neighborhood. Whenever she sees one she gets so excited. She'll wave and chatter and say "bye bye bubu" when she chases them away. Joshua could stomp on a bunny and still not notice it - he's very selective as to what/who he will pay attention to. He will maul adults who come to the house - he knows they're tall enough to turn on the movie player and get him popsicles. He rarely pays attention to Abby still. Although they did have a big bathtub party on Thursday. They both dove into mud in the backyard. I put the mudballs in the bath and the party was on. They flooded the bathroom a couple times over. Deren and I now joke that we produce kids with 1 of 2 personalities: 1) shy; on the uptight and easy-to-tantrum side; timid; very sweet when they want to be; cuddlers 2) not a shy, timid, or uptight bone in their body; big tantrums when they thwarted from whatever mischief is in the making; funny; light up the room (Note: both personality types are very lovable - esp to mommy and daddy, but each w/challenges). Is the new baby going to break the mold? We'll see..

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