Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Well here we go again..

Three yrs ago we went through the ringer when Jacob was in the hospital and his bloodwork came back showing a rare metabolic disorder. Turns out it was most likely from a blend of the rotavirus wreaking havoc and just having a messed up system as many autistic kids do (After the fact I talked to another momma who said her son had similar readings that the doctor's couldn't explain. They just say "well, your kiddo has autism, he's messed up, best of luck to you, buh-bye.)

This brings us to the present day. Abby had labs drawn last Thursday to rule out any serious underlying problems causing her failure to thrive. Got a call from the doctor's office yesterday. Her alkaline phosphtase levels showed up Very high. From my google understandin, this is an enzyme secreted by the liver and bones, and a high level is indicative of some not-so-very-good things going on in the liver or bones. I took Abby to the hospital this a.m. to have a 2nd blood draw. This blood draw is supposed to 1) rule out any "fluke" readings from last week's test and 2) isolate whether the problem is coming from the liver or bones. Sooo.. we are back to the waiting game, and praying that God watches over our baby peanut and guard our hearts from leaping to scary conclusions. Please pray for little peanut.

On a cute note, Jacob is becoming protective of Abby, and calls her "Abby Kate" - and no, it's not in perfect English, but we understand him and it's so very cute. He also called her "peanut" (pretty clearly) on Sunday. He gets upset whenever we all leave the house. He runs around the house until he finds Abby, and says "Abby Kate Abby Kate.." until we have her settled in the car. Apparently he's afraid of his ditzy momma leaving her behind!

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