Saturday, February 18, 2006

Baby Shower incident. Went to a baby shower today. You think, "I know the games are always bad, but how bad can it really be?" Ohh.... it was bad... The mom-to-be works for ECI (early childhood intervention - both the boys and now Abby receive ECI services). Most of the attendees were also ECI workers. They spent the entire time cracking jokes about the little kids they work with. After the first joke, when everyone was giggling, I thought "that is soo not funny, but maybe I'm being too sensitive." After joke #40 or 50 - I lost count, I was about ready to launch across the room at these hens. The mom-t0-be knows our kids, so I'm thinking she should have put a stop to it. Instead, she told told joke #1, and cackled throughout the rest of the jokes. I left that place so upset. I'm sure the rest of the gals didn't know about our kids, but still, they are making jokes at the expense of little kids under the age of 3, who are struggling and who have families that are struggling. Yuck. and yuck again.

Now that that's off my chest, let me say "it's cold!" 85 degrees on Thursday, in the 20's today. The kids are all good and stir crazy. All but Joshua took long naps today - it was cold and dreary. I'm getting ready to send Joshua to bed, but the rest will be up hyper for hours to come.

Abby update: she had to have more blood drawn yesterday. The nurse hadn't completed the last lab req form correctly. Poor Abby. She was a trooper, though. I am going to make an appt w/the pediatrician for later this next week. The labs should all be in, and I'll be able to go over them with the doctor. So far, I've been talking with nurses on the phone, and the info I've been given has been inconclusive and confusing, at best. So sorry, there's no news to share. She hasn't been eating well this past week. She has a cold that has gone into her chest, and has been fussy. I think her ears are hurting her, also. Jacob, Rachael, and I also have the crud. Yesterday I felt like someone was standing on top of my chest. So imagine what the kiddos feel like - poor things.

Abby is pulling herself up to kneeling quite a bit. Her favorite 'hang out place' is the toilet. She pulls herself up and throws everything she can get her sticky hands onto into the commode. Wait 'til she can stand!

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