Monday, November 10, 2008

Okay. It's not ACTUALLY a puppy. Daniel loves puppies, and calls all animals puppies at the moment.

It's cold and flu season. We've had a sick kid about every day since Caleb's birth (the morning Caleb was born Jacob was up sick). Gotta love it.

Caleb is still fussy, but is also giving out more smiles and conversation now. I would post pics of him smiling, but I'm having problems posting pics today. No matter how I resize the pic, all you can see are his nostrils - hmph!

..and I still can fit into my maternity clothes (as opposed to my before-maternity clothes) - hmph!

Caleb is a total lap baby. He's passed out on my back at the moment. The first time Deren saw me swing Caleb onto my back to wrap him he started screeching "traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury!" Well I was walking with Daniel and Abby, while pushing the "back up" (aka, in case of tantrum) stroller, and nursing Caleb all at the same time. Thought I was THE THING... until I looked up and Daniel was off in the middle of the street. It's amazing how quick a good mommy moment can morph into a bad mommy moment. Keeps ya humble, I guess.

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