Sunday, November 02, 2008

I was just reading my new niece's blog - she was born last Tuesday, and already has several blog posts dedicated to her. And here my new little man, Caleb, has squat posted about him (bag over head).

So here is my VERY belated announcement:
Caleb Joseph was born 8 days after his due date, on September 21st, 2008, at 3:51 a.m.

He was born at home - Hooray! Had a successful homebirth. I was 8-9 cm dialated by the time the midwife arrived. He was born about an hour later. My bag of waters hadn't broke, and we were waiting for it to do so. Finally I was like "get me in the water (bathtub) or break my my waters - I've had enough!" The midwife broke my waters, and a couple pushes (hard, painful pushes - he was a big boy!) he was boy. And YES - he's a BOY. I was so convinced I was having a girl - a petite girl, at that. Could I have been more wrong?! Instead, I had a boy, weighing 9 lbs 8 oz. He was petite compared to his brother Daniel, who was 10 lbs 9 oz, but the pushing stage brought back some painful memories - ouch! I remember with Joshua, Rachael, and Abby that pushing was easy, compared to hours of contractions. The past 2 labors have been short and the contractions not too bad, but pushing those big boys out... not easy.

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