Friday, February 09, 2007

Well our little giggle boy is now also a raspberry boy! He's been blowing raspberries left and right this week - too cute! The OT from ECI was here today. She said "Just wait until he does raspberries with a mouth full of baby food!" That brings back memories of Miss Abby. Speaking of which.. her stomach is still upset off and on - don't know why - maybe the seizure medication is causing a more or less constant low grade nausea?? She will eat, then sound like she's going to throw up. She says "Bucket!" and runs and gets her barf bucket. Poor peanut.

Activity wise, she's full speed ahead. She's driving Deren crazy. When he gets home from work she wants all his attention, so she gets into one scrap after another so he'll come rescue her. Last night she danced on top of the boys' dressers, the back of the couch, the high chair.. all within about 1/2 hr time span. I thought Deren was going to have a nervous breakdown. I'm thinking we should put her in her crib for a bit while we eat dinner (she can climb out of her high chair), then get her out and play. It's that or have Deren go nuts every night.

While Rachael was at school today, Abby walked around the house, saying "Where's sissy?"

Abby had her MRI Tuesday morning. Still haven't heard about the results. I guess no news is good news.

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