Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Took Abby to the neurologist on Monday. The doctor was pleased with how she's doing. Her MRI was normal. He recommended keeping her on phenobarbital for at least another 3 mos - until the main cold and flu season is over, reasoning that she may have additional seizures with all the bugs she's having otherwise. And speaking of bugs, we're passing around another cold, and Joshua was throwing up this past Saturday. I think we've had about 5 days since the first of January when we've had the kids semi healthy! I'm sooooooooooooo ready for spring!

And speaking of spring, it was close to 80 degrees here today. We kept Rachael home from school because she was coughing so much last night. I planned that we would stay outside most the day - we would do some more work in the garden, break out a seed starting kit with Rachael (and let Abby 'plant' beans from the kitchen, go for a walk, nurse Daniel in the sun.. have a blissful day in the sunshine. Bwaa haa haa! You'd think I would learn by now. Rachael pooped in her underwear while I was nursing Daniel in the living room. Instead of telling me, she hid under the covers in her bedroom. Abby wanted to play with sissy Rachael, so she followed her back there. I thought the girls were playing nicely - Abby was (sort of), if you count treading through poop on the floor in the category of 'playing nicely.' In her defense, I don't think she did it on purpose. It kind of camouflages into the flooring. While I cleaned up Rachael, Abby attacked the humidifier in her room, dumping about 1/2 gallon of water on her floor. And while I mopped the house the girls traveled from one toy box to another, dumping all the contents out.

So we stepped outside about 1 pm, and by that time it was pretty warm. Abby had tired herself out, between her cold and her a.m. exploits. I sat down to nurse Daniel, and she threw a whopper fit because I wouldn't push her in the swing. I hauled her inside, still screaming (Abby, that is). She passed out on the floor in the hallway while I nursed Daniel. After I nursed Daniel, I put her and Rachael in the stroller. Rachael fell asleep. Abby woke up, took all the toys Rachael had in her hands and threw them out of the stroller, and poked and prodded her unconscious sister the rest of the walk.

..not the day I had planned, but who am I to think that I call the shots?

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