Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Goodness, it's been awhile. I got to the point where I started procrastinating, because to catch up I'm going to have to write out a mini-novel. So I'll start with babysteps and do a short posting. The kids are passing around a stomach bug. Sound familiar? Joshua over the weekend, then Abby, now Jacob. Rachael is the the last one standing. I've emailed her teacher to give her a heads up - looking on the bright side, I am! That reminds me, I need to make sure the washer is empty, the clorox wipes, trash bags, barf bucket, and disposable gloves are laid out before going to bed tonight. I have a load of wash going now - that's just asking for it - having the washing machine tied up and all.

We're getting off and on breaks from the heat. It rained all day on Labor Day, and was cooler last week. Granted, "cooler" in Texas this time of year is in the upper 80's, but it's a good 20 degrees cooler than what we were having. The kids have been going outside in the evening and having a blast. And Rachael has been showing everyone her bug bites. She really likes to talk about her 'owies'. Throughout the day I find myself telling her "I'm so sorry about your owie," "Poor baby", etc. It goes on and on - but on the other hand, it is cute to be having the conversation with her. For instance, Joshua has been having some major mood swings. One minute he's cackling like a maniac, the next he's bawling away. His teacher sent a note home about it today. And since the little guy doesn't say a word, I have no clue. So here I am responding to his teacher, saying that I haven't the slightest idea what's going on. Makes me feel pretty useless..

So.. what with the lack of sleep (the halmark of this particular bug is an onset of symptoms around 3 a.m.), and being hormonal and moody, I've been feeling pretty up and down myself this week. ..think I'll go join Joshua, who's pounding on the wall in his room and screaming (ugh!).

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