Saturday, September 16, 2006

Abby update. Abigail has been our little 'whirling dervish' - I think that's the term her Grandpa David uses. She's into/on top of everything. She can climb up on the kitchen table, on beds, with relative ease. She's seen her siblings use chairs as booster steps enough that she herself is a pro at it. If she wants cereal, she scoots up the step stool and gets a box from the counter. If she wants some of her siblings' juice, she climbs up on one of the chairs, gets on top of the table, and storms the contents on the table. It was comical watching her with Joshua last week. Mind you, he usually tries his hardest to ignore her very existence. He was sitting at the table, trying to eat his dinner, and Abby is right there on top his placemat, grabbing at his cup and his plate. He's trying his best to still ignore her, but how do you ignore someone who's sitting on your dinner plate?? I took pity on the poor boy and drug her off the table. Which brings me to the next observation about Abby. She, too, is honing her stubborness and her temper. After all, she has had very good role models in the tantrum department. Pound for pound, she can throw a fit that meets or exceeds the best of the them. She has learned from Jacob and Rachael to run and smack at you when she's really mad. You don't know whether to laugh or put her in time out in her crib!

She still idolizes Joshua, in terms of the mischief he gets into. The other night Joshua decided to go toilet diving again. He made one big mess, splashing toilet water across the bathroom, shredding toilet paper (now wet) in the midst of it. Rachael walked into the bathroom and said "Joshua made a BIG mess. Clean up, Joshua!" Then Abby walked in. Her eyes got big, she got a big grin on her face, and she was ready to dive in herself. She was furious when we drug her away (Are you catching another theme? She hates to be drug away from a good time!).

Abby's favorite song is "If you're happy and you know it", followed by "Twinkle Twinkle little star." She loves to run errands. I know this is a good thing. Instead of throwing fits, she's all giggles and smiles when I take her to the grocery store. But the thing is, I do not like to go to the grocery store! Every day she's standing by the door waiting to go on an errand. With the cooler weather, I've been taking her on stroller rides and walks around the block, but it doesn't even compare to a good 'ole car ride and grocery run.

We were at the pediatrician's office yesterday. She is 12 lbs, 13 oz with a diaper on. So she is still quite petite. But goodness, is she ever a bundle of life!

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