Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I know most people do a daily blog, but let's face it - I'm tired! (insert whiny voice) . Typing, and thinking about something to type, requires too much energy on most days. I've been getting up before 6 each morning to take a walk before the sun comes up - it is really hot - in the mid to upper 90's most days lately. And the boys' bus arrives at 7:20, so I need to be back in time to help Deren get the boys out the door.

Rachael is adjusting to not being in school. I've been taking her & Abby to story time at the library twice a week, and she enjoys it. She also likes to pick out books. I'm pretty impressed with her. I can look at rows of books and not see anything particularly interesting. Rachael can look at the same rows and pick out some great books. I keep Abby in the stroller, because otherwise wild child will try to pull everything she can off the shelves.

Speaking of wild child.. some of her latest accomplishments include: climbing up the slide and going back down on her own, figuring out the buttons on the dishwasher and the answering machine. She is quite a handful. Whenever she's outside she makes a bee line for the dirt and any standing water. Sort of/kind of/exactly like her big brother Joshua. And she can create trouble like you wouldn't believe! We're thinking she may be even more of a challenge than Joshua! Needless to say, she is getting quite tired of hearing the word "no!" throughout the day.

Rachael Mae is still bossing and ordering everyone around.

The boys get home from school after 12. Then they each work with an ABA therapists for 1 1/2 Mon-Thurs. Both are doing well, and both are testing the limits with the therapist. Maria & I are taking Jacob on weekly field trips. He came so close to getting a dvd at Target yesterday, then through a tantrum at the cash register. So no movie - poor Jacob.

Deren took Jacob and Rachael to the local movie/grill to see Cars last Saturday. He said both the kids were so enthralled with the movie that he fed them bite by bite like babies because they wouldn't take their attention away from the movie. McDonald's has Cars' toys in the Happy Meals, so we will be visiting the golden arches quite a bit over the next couple weeks.

I have a doctor's appt tomorrow morning. I'll be 21 wks, and expect to have a sono, but will not find out boy/girl! Dr. Bass let it 'slip' last time, and I'm going to beg her to not this time around - we both are looking forward to our surprise baby in October!

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