Sunday, January 22, 2006

..can't figure out how to delete that extra post, so bear with me. Abby is still pretty sick - not much of an appetite, upset stomach, throwing up on occassion, and problems at the south end, too. Jacob doesn't have an appetite, and Joshua is very fussy today. Soooo, I'm thinking they will all be well again sometime in February, seeing how this is a 7-10 day virus. Pray for me (I know, I'm asking that a lot lately). Oh, and pray for the kids, too - that's kinda selfish, isn't it? 'the kids are sick with a bad virus, put pray for me.' That's another 'God shaking his head a me moment' - He's having a lot of those lately - Deren can attest to that (he would be saying "Amen!" if he was reading this!

Not sure if I'm going to be able to continue with the bible, study, seeing as how it's from 11-1 on Tuesdays, and Deren can't take off work then, and no sane person would volunteer to watch a house full of the rotavirus. If only the duration of it wasn't so long (sighs again). Abby's OT is on hold, also, until she recovers.

The rest of the kids, including Rachael, have an appt w/Dr. Rao (specialist in allergy/immunology), tomorrow. While at face value Rachael appears to be doing much better than the boys, her lab work measuring gut and other immune system functioning is much worse than the boys. I am not expecting a pleasant appointment tomorrow. We haven't been giving the prescribed meds to the kids because they have had one gut bug after another, and won't take their meds when they're feeling bad. So this past 2 mos we would start a med for a couple days, stop it when they got sick, restart, stop and so forth. They were prescribed anti-fungals and anti-biotics - not a good class of drugs to be messing around with. So I don't EVEN want to think about how much I've messed them up regarding the meds. "Okay God? Are you done shaking your head? Because I need your favor again!"

We have had rain for the first day in ages here. It's been a dreary, cold day - I'm already whiny about it. I just finished eating a whole package of m&m's. I'm sure Abby will just LOVE that when she goes to nurse. Can someone just send me a cyber kick in the pants?! I'm off to pray, this all-about-me thing is getting out of control here.

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