Friday, January 02, 2009

Just catching up a little bit. We had a quiet Christmas and New Years' here at the house. Deren & I took the kids to a kid-themed Christmas Eve service at church. It was great: 1) it was at 5 pm. Yes, midnight candlelight services are special and all, but I've always been one to appreciate an early bedtime (like when the sun sets) and 2) it was short, there were kids making whining, yelling, you name it. Like an episode of cheers.. where everybody knows you (g)ame! Though I think we had the only child, Abby of course, that was running sprints around the altar. Something about that child and church.. she always feels like she needs to get upfront and run laps around the altar. Everytime she goes it I think of the movie Exorcist for some reason..

New Years I was in bed by about 9pm. Had no desire whatsoever to stay up until midnight. Sleep trumps everything these days. ..and on that note I'm missing out on some, so Happy New Years to everyone, and blessings for the new year.

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