Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just a quick post after LONG hiatus. Sorry - it's been kinda crazy around here and I have as much energy these days as the energizer bunny on bargain basement batteries.

Well, I'm PREGNANT!! Baby #6 is due the the first part of Sept. Not too sure about the due dates. First I was measuring small, now I'm measuring big. I have a level II ultrasound scheduled for the 16th of April, so I'm going to go by those results and pick a due date.

Tell you what.. I haven't worried this much since I was pregnant with my first, Jacob. I spent all of February on strict bedrest. I was bleeding and the dr couldn't detect the cause. Good news is that the spotting and bleeding stopped almost to the day that my 2nd trimester started. The whole experience left me pretty rattled, though. So I'm praying for good results at the ultrasound in 2 weeks, especially given that I'm now among the "elderly", and the advanced age of 36.

So on one hand I'm thrilled to be up and able to leave the house. But on the other hand that means I have to take children with me when I leave the house. And given that the youngest, Abby & Daniel, have also been homebound with me, they act like devil children when we venture out these days. Take, for example, our 2+ hour excursion to Walmart this morning. So I'm looking at paper plates and see an egg flying past me in my peripheral vision. Young Daniel (now 17 mos) had grabbed a carton of eggs and was tossing them over the cart. An older couple watched the whole scene, including me screeching at Daniel, and just started laughing and telling Daniel how cute he was. My "cutie" then reached over and smacked me across the face. No more cute comments were forthcoming at that point. I'm standing there thinking "what on EARTH am I doing with 5 + children?! Raising the future generation of convicts?!"

By the time we reached the frozen food section Daniel had unpackaged the new underwear I picked up for Jacob and was dropping them one by one on the floor as if he were dropping rose petals on the ground at a wedding. Know anyone who's getting married soon??

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