Saturday, March 17, 2007

Let me tell you about my day yesterday..

It started off with Deren leaving for work late, because he stayed home to help me get ready to take Daniel to the doctor. Now ordinarily, getting ready by 9:45 is not too big of an issue, but throw in spring break and everyone on different schedules.. let's just say I don't have my game on, okay?

Made it to the doctor. Daniel has joined the ranks of the wheezing. Jacob and Daniel have both been on breathing treatments for bronchiolitis. The other kids are working on it. Abby's cough is starting to sound pretty bad, but not in the chest yet. Joshua is bawling more than usual. My voice has gone south again. And it's funny. It may be me just being sick and in a bad mood and all, but it seems like Deren gets more chatty than usual when I lose my voice. All the sudden he's asking me questions left and right - questions that involve an in depth answer - not just "yes" or "no". Deren and I generally have a "talk to the hand" policy with each other when we get sick. One of us starts whining, and the other is walking out of the room whistling. "Oh, were you saying something?" Yes, it's something we need to work on. But with all the kids sick for what seems like FOREVER, a "Can I go take a long nap because I don't feel good?" comment falls on deaf ears. So, I'm whining here!

Anyway.. back to yesterday. Got to the doctor. Spent $25 more bucks confirming he's wheezing and we should continue breathing treatments (we already have the medicine at home). Nursed Daniel in the car. Side note: Daniel has decided the ONLY way he'll nurse is with a pillow and blanket over his head. So I loaded a nursing pillow in the car and he was in heaven nursing in the parking lot. He wouldn't nurse at all in the office. Finally finished nursing him. Called home to check on Mallory, our babysitter. She said all was fine. I then proceeded to back into the truck behind me in the parking lot. This is the second time I've run into another car in the same parking lot. I barely ran into the truck - the van has no marks on it whatsoever. But the owner of the car was pointing to a tiny dent and saying "oh, that's going to be very expensive to fix!" Gave the lady my information. Called Deren and told him about the dr appt and the fender bender. Conversation went something like this "*#&#^@ $@#&# %#!@" (Deren speaking).

Made it home. Saw Mallory off. As she was leaving Rachael came up to us and started talking about poop in the potty. Went and checked. Jacob had apparently stuffed half the container of toilet wipes in the toilet. Oh - and he had bad diarrhea - let's not forget that tidbit. When I flushed the toilet the diarrhea water went pouring over the toilet. I pulled up on the lever thingy inside the tank - did nothing. The diarrhea water went everywhere. I started crying. Jacob came in to check on me. He trailed through the water, walked down the hall, got onto our bed, and started rolling around on the bed - with diarrhea water on the bottom of his sweatpants (there was a good 2" on the floor in the bathroom before I got the water turned off) and on his feet. I cried more, and more, and more. Jacob started crying with me. He kept wiping my tears off my face and crying along. I called Deren. He's like "get a grip! You're having a breakdown!" I called my neighbor Monique (Mallory's mom). "Monique can you come over and help? I'm having a breakdown." Monique came over until Deren got home - yes, he's on the show up late leave early policy this past week. Monique directed clean up efforts and watched the kids while I cleaned up. We agreed that the bath towels used needed to be burned.
Deren got home a short time later. He finished clean up. Maybe that's why we're all doing worse today, come to think of it. He dumped enough bleach in that room - I could feel my lungs burning! He got the toilet plunged, and we're back on track (minus the tank lid that got knocked over and shattered during cleaning.)

I guess that about sums it up. I got a grip, mopped the house, started tackling the mountains of laundry.

Gotta go. Daniel is doing worse today, and poor little guy is crying.

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